High Performance Black Phosphorus Electronic and Photonic Devices with HfLaO Dielectric

Author:XX Publish:2018/11/20

On December 4, 2017, IEEE Electron Device Letters published the research results of high performance black phosphorus devices by professor Yanqing Wu from Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center.The paper entitled " High Performance Black Phosphorus Electronic and Photonic Devices with HfLaO Dielectric ".

As an emerging two-dimensional material, few-layer black phosphorus (BP) shows great potential in nanoelectronics and nanophotonics due to its high carrier velocity. However, non-optimized gate dielectrics often degrade the performance of BP devices severely. In this letter, we demonstrate high-performance BP devices using a novel HfLaO as back gate dielectric with improved interface quality. High current exceeding 1.15 mA/μm has been achieved at 20 K for BP transistors with improved noise spectral density. Moreover, BP photodetectors with a record high photoresponsivity up to 1.5 × 10 8 A/W and fast response time of 10 μs at 300 K are demonstrated. Excellent photoresponse in a broadband spectrum range from 514 to 1800 nm at 70 K has also been achieved.




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